I have to disagree with (incoming) about a solid tube axle car vs a IRS Cobra. As they say to each his own. Our cars aren't any more "Real" with a IRS, then ones with Tube axle cars. (I would think you don't have too many FFR friends
) IRS neither handle or corner better then a solid axle (Production) car. Example: Alfa GtV (Tube axle) vs BMW 2002-Datsin 510's (IRS), My GTV had no problem's running with those 2.5 liter Trams-Am cars. Look up the B-Production class back in the day (GT-350 vs Corvette) who won the championship ???? Cheers TommyRot. P.S. My Classic Roadster DOES have a 427S/O and I wouldn't sell it for twice that price. When you love something, money doesn't really matter My $.02.