Originally Posted by DanEC
You might try sending a PM to AChipo (Evan) as he owned an ERA and a Superformance concurrently and can probably give you some idea as to how they seem to compare. He just recently sold the Superformance. The ERA does not have a dropped foot box and I’m not sure on the Superformance but I don’t think it does either. I think I read that at some point ERA might have enlarged their transmission tunnel very slightly to accommodate modern transmissions so it might depend on what serial number ERA you compared with. Not sure is they widened it, raised it or both.
I had an early SPF (369) and a newer ERA (824). The ergonomics of the cockpit are very similar between the two. They are both surprisingly comfortable to drive.
I sold the SPF a few weeks ago otherwise I'd take my laser-thingy and give you comparison measurements.