You're probably right. There's not that many people on the forums that have actually done the switch over. There's a ton of car related crap that is just plain wrong that gets regurgitated over and over on the 'net, like your
oil temp having to be 212 degrees for water to be boiled off. But, unless you've actually done the job yourself (or measured the results yourself) all you really know is the old tales you've heard since you were a kid or have read on the 'net. Like, if somebody asked me
"Patrick, how should I weld my gas tank?" I'd tell them that you have to fill it with water first. If they then asked me
"have you ever done that yourself?" Well, no.
"Have you ever personally seen it done with your own two eyes?" Well, no. Then WTF are you giving advice for? Well, that's a good question....