Originally Posted by CSXBill
I purchased CSX4753 and had it delivered today. The brakes are terrible. The pedal is rock hard and you have to push a lot to get the car stop. It won’t lock the tires up. Really, it’s not safe. Could someone please explain the braking system so I can try to figure out where to start. I don’t see a regular brake booster. So how do they work? Thanks!
They are not power brakes. Neither was mine "two feet on the pedal" brakes. They are "man's brakes" though. Ie, it's not just moving the toes from the accelerator to the brake pedal, you need to move your foot over and apply steady pressure. Are you sure they are "broken" vs. just tougher than what you are used to?
I'd suggest that since you are asking the questions you are asking that a brake shop would be in order.
(PS. When the Cobra set the 0-100-0 record of 13.8 seconds word was that Miles actually did use both feet on the brakes and that more of the time was spent braking than accelerating.)