Originally Posted by patrickt
The MSD instructions show you that grounding the white wire, or purple wire, through a switch will act as a kill switch (the color depends on how your distributor is installed). It's simple and easy.
Not in 6AL instructions. If you can find it you're a better man than me.
I'll check the instructions for some of the other MSD boxes.
Edit: Found the reference in this document, which supposedly also applies to 6AL. Seems odd this isn't in above-referenced document if it applies to 6AL.
The MSD provides the opportunity to easily install a theft deterrent kill switch (Figure 4).
White Wire Trigger
When using the WHITE wire to trigger the MSD, install a switch across the magnetic pickup VIOLET wire to ground. When the VIOLET wire is grounded, the vehicle will crank but not start.
Magnetic Pickup Trigger
When using the mag pickup to trigger the MSD, install a switch to the WHITE wire and the other side to ground. When the WHITE wire is grounded, the vehicle will crank but will not start.