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  #82 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2002, 10:39 AM
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Jim Holden Jim Holden is offline
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Tools! Coveralls! (where do you think he's from; the Ozarks?) a flash light? Cripes, I already listed what we're bringing; lawn chairs a cooler and a tent. ...and that's it. Oh and a couple of cars.

PEPI's beyond wrenching and tuning these days. Shot, finsihed business, why when he bends over to tie his shoes, he checks around for anything else he can do while he's down there. No, the better idea would be to pack up Doug or Ritchie and take them along... and they've got cars to build back in NB to try and keep all the Turkwantabes off PEPI's neck.


Last edited by Jim Holden; 06-14-2002 at 11:00 AM..
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