Originally Posted by patrickt
If your MSD box is mounted above the passenger's feet, where it is nicely hidden, then the easiest wiring method is to run the fat red wire through the firewall to the hot side of the 50 amp circuit breaker, the fat black wire should run directly to the passenger side cylinder head where you presumably have the battery's negative cable grounded. You should also be using the MSD Capacitor as it prevents a number of problems. It's called a Noise Filter but it's really just a big capacitor. Run the wires from the box to the coil down one side of the block and run the wires to the magnetic pickup down the other side of the block. This is a tried and true wiring method. 
Yes, all of that is exactly how I have it hooked up and I installed the capacitor 1 month ago, even though it has been on the shelf for 3 years...LOL
The only exception from your hook up is my fat red wire is connected to the other side of the circuit breaker, the ERA brown wire is connected to the other side and I am assuming this is the side you are referring to as the HOT side.Is this OK or should I hook it up with the brown wire?
Originally , the heavy neg battery cable from the battery went directly to the frame in the trunk (still does). The MSD neg wire and the jumper to the firewall were all that came off the bolt on the back of the passenger head. I guess the firewall wire was the assumed ground to the frame. A few years ago I ran a 10 gauge wire off that NEG lug in the trunk up to that same head bolt. So now off that head bolt I have 3 wires, firewall, MSD negative black wire, and neg from battery. I am going to add another wire from that bolt on the back of the passenger head over to the front of the driver head because there is no bolt hole in the back of the driver head.
My box is mounted under the glove compartment over the passengers feet. It is upside down and MSD tech told me because of this I need to drill 2 #30 holes in it so the condensation has a away out. I know I did this, but I just looked at it and there are no holes drilled in the ribbed side so I must have drilled them it the base of the box. Anyway, I did whatever they told me to do at the time. Sucks getting old, I can't remember anything anymore!!!