Originally Posted by twobjshelbys
You've already said everything you have to say, at least three times. Two times in the other topic and now here. It's contributing nothing new. We no longer care about whatever burr under your saddle you have against the other site, but you're getting real close to getting the same response here.
When you actually find a 40k car, feel free to post it here. Meanwhile telling him that every car posted can be had for 40K is obviously not true or he'd have one.
I was wrong Tobjshelbys....DWRAT bought a beautiful Superformance Cobra for $25k!
Like I said, the supply far outweighs the demand and don't drink the Kool-Aide they serve on the SCOF Board saying you have to pay $50's, $60,s, $70's or higher. These people are selling you the cars they paid $40k for. I will admit a $25k sale price does not come along often. But $40k, or low $40's for big block SPF Cobras are common if you are patient!! I know many people who purchased around $40k and some of them even told us here. I just want to help people pay a fair price, like me and so many other people did.