Originally Posted by Karl Bebout
No surprise that no one chimed in to go on this little run. It was pretty short notice and would have been a real let down after going to Ajo 
Anyway, Scotty and I screamed up the hill, early this morning and practically had Butcher Hook to ourselves. I had most excellent biscuits and gravy, that actually had chunks of sausage rather than BB sized bits along with the additional bacon and cheese. Now, if they only had green onions or chives to add to it....
200 miles total for me, coming home through Roosevelt, Globe, Superior etc. My 2600 mile Texas trip just wasn't quite enough... Good times. 
Did ya ever consider bringing green onions with you? Just sayin'. I actually tried at home recently, sharp cheddar and green onion, because of your raving. It was very good. I still need a great biscuit recipe. Even Southerners I know, use Bisquick. Bob Evans, back East, had the best MOIST biscuits, I've ever had.