Originally Posted by Lawineer
Lol, so no one is going to tell me roughly how much I'm overpaying by? If I'm getting taken to the cleaners here, I still haven't signed the paperwork. Is this i a $66k car fair market value?
I get I can lose money and it's not FDIC insured. If I wanted to ensure I'd have 77k in 3 years, I'd put it in my savings account (which, based on current interest rates, will definitely ensure it will be $77k :lol: )
What spec is the 2018 BDR you are looking at? If it is a standard RT3 with a coyote motor and limited options then $77k looks high. On the other hand if the original owner had a lot of upgrades AND those upgrades are valuable to you then $77k sounds reasonable to me. These cars new have all gone up quite a lot over the past few years as well. My 2013 BDR RT3B with a Gen 1 Coyote and limited extras was $58k new -the equivalent new RT4B car today would be mid $70’s.