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Old 01-17-2021, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Ace23 View Post
I would first identify a tuner that you have confidence in. Without a tuner that understands a specific system and has a preference you will eventually find yourself up a creek without a paddle.

I think any of the systems you mention are probably just fine but find someone that can tune your car do not go down that self tuning road. Just don’t cheap want to be driving and enjoying not wrenching.
If your tuner's tuning expertise is EFI system limited then you have the wrong tuner!

Consider taking a five day vacation and going to a Calibrated Success EFI Training Session <= clickable.

This course is put on by Greg Banish, who is a contract Fuel Systems Calibrator for GM, Ford and Chrysler. He is agnostic to hardware (for the most part) unless it is something bogus like the weed blower turbo's on eBay. Set aside five days, one day up, one day back and three days at the training. Treat the tuition for the training and the travel expense as vacation expense.

When you get home you will have had one of the better vacations you have ever had and you will come home with irreplaceable knowledge of how to tune and manage your EFI system. Greg is well published and you can find several of his books on Amazon, He has tuning DVD's available through Summit and Jegs.

Greg tends to be a clear thinker and a conscise and clear speaker. You will appreciate his speaking style because he does not use 25 cent words when plain english suffices. I have attached a short paper of his on injector slopes, which probably is meaningless to most readers, until you read it and experience his ability to communicate. You will walk away from the document with a WOW moment.

As luck would have it, it turns out the pdf file exceeds our site's 39kb file size speed limit. Here is a link to the file on line. Download it and read it. You will be impressed with the clarity and quality of the communication. Click here => Are All Fuel Injectors Created Equal?

Best part of this whole experience is, this guy does this as a 'for-hire' contractor for the Big 3, sort of a Have Gun Will Travel Fuel Injection, Palidin (for those of you old enough to remember the 1950's TV series) as his day job. He runs the Calibrated Success Training School for guys like us between Motown assignments. He is the real deal! When you are done with the course you will know more about EFI than the tuner you were going to pay to "tune" your EFI system — and guess what? You'll do a better job!


Help them do what they would have done if they had known what they could do.

Last edited by eschaider; 01-18-2021 at 10:54 PM.. Reason: Spelling & Grammar
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