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Electric Fan Controller
I believe at one time or another, I have used every fan controller known to man, so I was quite interested in the new ELECTRIC FAN CONTROLLER by Flex-A-Lite
#121281which was mentioned about a year ago but not released to the public. This controller is now available with a push in probe or a screw in sensor, which I prefer, but that's me. It's available from all the usual supply houses, I checked it out from Summit and it was $45.99. Check out the specs and see if it meets your needs, the only thing I am not sure of is, if it has the air conditioning switch on function, will know when mine is delivered, but I can work around that. YES, I have air, but I have a coupe in FL, where air is not an option but a necessity. It really looks like a nice piece and reduces the general two piece relay-controller to a one piece unit and comes with 12 ga wires. Check it out.
Bill K