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Having your battery in the trunk on either side is a dangerous situation because there is no protection for the battery especially next to the fuel container.....a simple accident could cause a major disaster.
And it doesn’t matter about your motor & transmission being mounted cause like Patrick said & I said on a US car....driver on the left side....the drivers weight goes on the Left Front, Left Rear, & Right Rear.....for those that don’t understand me....the Right Front will not get any significant weight......
Now placement of your battery is a weight you can move around to get balance where you want or need it....more to the rear will help rear weight but it needs to be encapsulated to prevent accidental the passenger compartment it is protected by the cage or roll bar and side bar structure....which is much safer...
Down under where you are just reverse everything I said.....but more importantly mount the battery in a battery box for protection, and the main disconnect has to be reachable by someone outside of the car....and marked with a decal......just saying....