Originally Posted by mrmustang
While everyone else is focusing on spark, perhaps a look at your fuel pump/fuel system and a further search for a vacuum leak may be in order. Had a similar issue a year and a half ago, mysteriously went away, only to rear it's ugly head on a weekend cruise when the fuel pump finally gave out 125 miles from home. With Covid regulations in place, the car got a nice ride home on a flatbed, with wheel bonnets, we got stuck in an Uber 
Pressure gauge shows a steady 6.5 pounds of fuel pressure at idle, but it's under the hood so I have no idea if it drops under acceleration. I can run it up with a blip of the throttle lever and it stays steady, so I'm assuming at this point, that the pump is good. The filter however, is another idea I hadn't considered. PO put an inline filter in it also easily located under the hood, so I think I'll change that and see if it makes a difference.