Originally Posted by Dwight
I'm not looking for more horsepower. I'll have more than enough with the 430 c.i. motor in my Fairlane.
Maintenance and dependability are my main concerns.
Lot of good information so far.
I have an old-school SFT grind that first came out in late 1963. It has
oh so gentle lobe ramps and 96 degrees of overlap with 114 degree LSA. The lift is only .509 after subtracting off lash. Duration at .050" is 245 degrees. It runs, smells, and sounds beautiful. I'm sure it leaves a good bit of horsepower on the table, but I can't use what it does dish out. My tires break loose if I even sneeze on the throttle. And my Erson's hold their lash pretty well. I could probably go years without touching them and it wouldn't make a difference. I run BradPenn
oil for the ZDDP.