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Dominic's question is an important touch point in solving your appearance dilemma. If the alignment is correct and the wheelbase is correct and square (similar diagonal measurements) then your wheels are in the right position and the problem is a body fitment / alignment problem.
All glass bodies are copies of some other body. Even the original AC aluminum bodies were different side to side and body to body. It was just the way AC built them. Glass reproductions will take these differences and carry them forward. Like a Xerox machine copy of a copy each generation has a bit more degradation. Add to that the normal challenges in reproducing anything and you can begin to see why distinctions appear in the final product.
Assuming the wheels are in the correct position on the chassis then I would finish the build. If the finished visual was still offensive to me then I would take the finished build to a good glass shop and have them move the wheelwell to fit/meet my sensibilities of what it should look like and where it should be.
Help them do what they would have done if they had known what they could do.
Last edited by eschaider; 03-24-2021 at 12:28 PM..
Reason: Spelling & Grammar