What's a paltry 11 years when it comes to resurrecting one of the most enduring myths in the entire Cobra industry?

The ill-conceived body modifications actually made Contemporary
anything but "the most accurate Cobra Replica". The worst part is that unfortunate myth led to the pollution of almost the entire industry gene pool as newer manufacturers jumping on the Cobra bandwagon made copies of copies of that butt-high, chunky, high-sided Contemporary look that can be seen in several brands from the early FFR's, EM and even SPF. Thank God other manufacturers like Hi-Tech, ERA and others stayed true to the lower, sleeker look of the originals and kept the real Cobra look alive.
EDIT - once I get over my pet peeve rants about this subject, I always have to go back and state that even though I'm not a fan of the Contemporary's appearance, I'm in no way knocking the overall quality of the brand. Many of them were beautifully finished and I'm sure their owners are justifiably proud of their cars.