I'm not trying to toot my own horn, so please don't take it that way.
However, I don't generally give out camshafts specs on race cams, because most guys post publicly on forums, and that's where all the "experts" come to demonstrate their knowledge. LOL
I have an extensive history of doing camshaft dyno tests as well as in-car camshaft swaps to find better ways of doing things.
Most guys will say, "I'm very happy with the cam so-and-so ground for me..." but most guys have never tried multiple camshafts on the same day, or at any time at all.
I will say that I'm the only one that has an FE turning 7500 rpm with a hydraulic roller. That's not because I ask around and have people grind cams for me. It's because I spend a lot of time looking at camshaft specs, the overall engine combination, and do lots of dyno testing.
I was approached by a custom cam designer who told me that he would like to earn my camshaft business. I told him that I was working on a particular combination, I already had a camshaft for it, but I was willing to test them both. I gave him the entire catalog of engine data, and even gave him my camshaft specs, but my cam bested his by 28 peak hp and 10 average hp.
One of the members on my Cleveland forum also approached me, telling me that they had a custom camshaft ground for them by Cam Motion. He told me that it made good horsepower but it was soft on the bottom. I had a camshaft ground for him that produced the same peak hp, but also gained him 20 hp at 3500 rpm.
If you have been on the FE Power forum and saw Jay Brown's new cylinder head project, Blair Patrick provided Jay Brown a camshaft for his project. I saw the issues and actually fronted Jay another camshaft to try that was 12° SMALLER than the previous cam and netted the engine more peak hp and torque, as well as up to 20 hp at lower rpms.
Would love to earn your business.
If the other guys are telling you that you need a single pattern camshaft, or a 114-115 LSA because you have Webers, you should walk away.