Originally Posted by zzmac
Sorry Patrick but I'm not a carb guy and you've got me a little confused. You said to zip tie the secondaries shut and now you're showing me it rotating and the secondaries opening up. Do I shut them with a zip tie or do it like in your pic above?
Sorry I confused you. The two zip tie posts by me have nothing in common with one another. They are entirely different subjects and you can completely ignore, for now, my second post showing you how to tell when the secondaries open by putting a zip tie around the shaft. For now, just wire/tape/even clog the top with towels so the secondaries can't open, then take her for a spin. We're just trying to figure out, for right now, if the secondaries kicking in are causing the bog. Nothing more. If you come back and say "wow, with the secondaries wired shut, the car runs beautifully. A little slower, but beautifully" then that tells us where to start looking.