Originally Posted by bkozlow
Generally, it is three words written on the relay "MADE IN CHINA" and if it is Bosch then your amp rating is to low. I would go to a German car dealer in your area and have the parts department find you a HD unit for one of their top model cars, more than likely they will be Bosch no matter what type car. Or you can contact Texas Industrial Supply at texasindustrialelectric.com/relays and look over their inventory. Look at 0332-002-168, if it were to fail then you have other problems in your system.
Bill K
he beat me to it... "made in CHINA" all joking aside you cant simply throw a higher current relay at the problem. If that is the case than you will need to confirm that the size wire/fuse is of the correct size to handle the load of the fan as well or bad things may happen. Better safe than sorry. Sorry I am an electrician by trade.