Originally Posted by nkb
It appears that Superformance, Backdraft, and Caterham California registrations are all being held up. The BAR referee won't schedule an appointment to allow registration. Reason being given is that these cars are "turnkey". The Caterham community blames Superformance for having delivered turnkey cars. Caterham is accused of skirting the regulations by shipping their drivetrains separate from the rest of the car and then reassembling into a turnkey. The fact that Caterham delivers turnkey cars in the UK doesn't help either.
Please don't lump all "Caterham" sales/dealers into the same pile (and some SPF/BDR/Cat/ whatever dealers). Caterham is the manufacturer, not the retailer. We import the Caterham chassis and a separate, not affiliated company imports and sells the powertrains. Other than we know the other company, we have NO financial or other relationship with them.
Also understand that "Superformance" has NOT been the Caterham importer for about five years so that is a dealer/retailer issue, not the importer. Currently Caterham deals directly with the dealers, there is no "importer/distributor" involved.
In this industry there are several entities who are contravening the federal regulations regarding "arms length" by selling chassis and also selling the powertrain and even doing the installation. We know who they are but have not bus rolled them by turning them in as that will only cause closer scrutiny of all specialty car sellers.
Play by the rules and it works. Play fast and loose with the regulations and they bite you in the ass.