Originally Posted by Emptybox
I just purchased a used 2008 Superformance from a local Plano resident. I am also in Plano. He signed over the title to me which has the following
Year Model = 2008
Make of Vehicle = ASVE
Remark(s)= Replica: (1965 COBR)
Now do I have to go through all the items listed in this thread and register and title as a custom vehicle or is that not required. I want to make sure that when the yearly inspection is due the inspection isn’t requiring emissions testing. Also on the Form 130-U what do I fill out for the Year, Make and Model?
You have a correct Texas 2008 ASVE title for this car as is, so your title process is simple, transfer the ownership on the 130-U.
Second thing is to *register* it as a *Custom Vehicle* which requires the VTR-852 Inspection by an ASE Master Techician current in categories A1-A8. This is a unique inspection for replica cars and is NOT the usual TX State annual inspection. You do not do the regular TX State inspection on a Custom Vehicle. It will never get inspected again as long as it has Custom Vehicle plates. This step is required every time this replica car changes owners.
So get the VTR-852 inspection done by the ASE Master. Some Firestone and Christian Brothers locations have these guys. Call first. Make them confirm the currency in A1-A8.
From here I am not sure whether it can all be done at the county tag office, or if you have to make an appointment at DMV in Carrollton. New titles have to start there, but you are not new. I'd start at Collin Cty Tax Assessor. Bring title, bill of sale, insurance card, 130-U, 852, ASE's Certificate, checkbook and see what happens. Btw, you can take your insurance card in first and get a 30 day buyer tag so you're legal to drive to the ASE guy.
Good Luck!
Exes: ERA #745, CAVGT #180, Kirkham KMP0268, SPF GT40P2306, '05 Ford GT #1605, Exact 008, Kirkham KMP0928