Originally Posted by Tommy
I have no dog in this fight. But I did have problems with an engine built by a once reputable company that had been sold to a disreputable new owner shortly before I placed my order. Reputations go with the people who earned them, not the businesses they once owned, IMHO.
Or a product name that gets sold. I remember when my favorite Kendall
Oil got its name sold (and nobody told me) and the new
oil of course bears no semblance whatsoever to what it once was (and the original Kendall
Oil is now BradPenn). The same is true for people's name as well. But if the person's name was the one that was actually touching the product then it becomes kind of deceptive. Sort of like the
Leonardo da Vinci Painting Studio getting sold to Joe Schmoe. Who wants their portrait painted by Joe Schmoe?