Originally Posted by USC_COWBOY
If you (SAAC) are the keepers of the keys to the legitimate CSX vault of information, why are you so closed lip about all you know? Could it be that the real truth would weaken your (SAAC) position as the "Font of all things CSX"?
Old period paper of the construction era, an old typewriter (for those of us that actually used one), a similar real invoice for proper appearance and VOILA! you have paper, now just find some old wreck with history and build a new Cobra and use the lifted title and wait for a sucker to buy it and bank millions.
End of story, IMO.
We don't claim to know everything. We simply do our best to present the facts as they line up. It's up to people to determine for themselves how relevant they may be for them. I would point out, Mr. Cowboy, that I do not have a dog in this hunt, whereas you are claiming you do. I therefore have NO interest at all in spinning the truth. Can you say the same?