Many years ago I posted here that the nature of topics raised was changing due to the success of Superformance and Shelby brand replicas (and no, I don't want to argue what is and is not a replica). In my early time here the discussions were often technical and involved people who either assembled their own cars or owned car assembled by other individuals. I noticed the change when a new Superformance owner asked the forum to help him discover what engine he had so he could find the
oil filter. In the years after there tended to be more general questions such as what paint protection finish to use and the pros and cons of wide letter Goodyear tires.
I have also noticed the large proportion of Classic Roadster discussions lately and most seem to be from people who want to upgrade an aging custom built car with new stuff. My guess is that these cars were overlooked by the buy-and-drive crowd who imagined that a factory built car was better built than others. So they are owned by DIYers like me who don't shy away from taking a car apart to rebuild it better. . . . Why is it Classic Roadster rather than Everett Morrison or some other brand? I don't know. But perhaps the topics raised by earlier owners inspired later owners to take the jump and work on their cars.