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Question about selling an older build eligable for overseas sale
I have absolutely no plans whatsoever at this time to sell my Cobra. That said, at some point like with all of us, that day will inevitably come. My Cobra is a Contemporary, built back in 1984. It's currently titled in New York as a "1984 Homebuilt". As such I would presume it's eligable for sale in overseas countries that require an older build to be eligable to purchase there. I assume the title being issued in New York as a 1984 would suffice for that?
The reason I ask about this is that I live in Texas and I'm about to start the process of transferring my current New York title to a Texas title. I'm not 100% certain as to how Texas will title the car. I don't want to lose the ability to sell the car down the road to a purchaser who needs an older build to be able to buy the car. How do these countries requiring an older car for purchase/import determine the build date to see if it's eligable? What would I need to title the car as, and does the title type or date have anything to do with that eligablity?
Can anyone who has sold an older Cobra overseas or a can a non-US based Cobra purchaser who lives in one of these countries comment on what proof is needed from the purchasers country as to the verified age of the build? I have already have made color photo copies of the NYS title, what else would I need to do to preserve that eligability?