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Old 12-09-2021, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Nedsel View Post
Typically, if one is involved in a court case, they bring their best evidence into play. While I understand John's interest in trying to poke holes in whatever Haselrig and Wesselink have presented to prove their case, I remain more focused on anything that might shed light on, or be relevant to, the Paul Cunningham ownership allegations. I'm not going to speculate on the validity of the documents used in the 1992 court case because I believe sharper and more experienced legal minds have already done so. And I would point out that, just as John wondered why there was no Bill of Sale presented, one might ask, if what appears to be a beat-up Post-It scrap is the best these guys can come up with, why didn't they dummy up something much better? And the rational answer would be because the documents presented were legitimate and there was no attempt at entering phony paperwork into evidence. So it would be great if we could move off this particular line of thought at this point.
I have a feeling that if and when Michael gets his own copy of the court documents that he is going to start posting pictures of the documents and trying to poke holes in their legitimacy the same way that John is doing now.

Perhaps sharper more experienced legal minds have come to the correct conclusions, but you might remember a bunch of years ago that some apprently very sharp legal minds did their best to convict OJ Simpson of murder and failed. So just because Hasselrig and Wesselink's lawyers won their case, does not necessarily mean that the legal minds came to the correct, ethical, logical and moral conclusions, it just means that Hasselrig and Wesselink won their court case and have the legal title to CSX2049.

Anyway, if in 1985 when Hasselrig moved the "vehicle" to the new location, that "vehicle" consisted of a bent headlight trim ring and a philips head screw that might have been from CSX2049, it seems that "vehicle" and the legal title to CSX2049 will be good enough to create a brand new CSX2049, regardless of what John and Michael might think. Also even if John or Michael can find some smoking gun in the court papers, I don't see that changing anything, unless they use the smoking gun to sue to get the title or get the title invalidated. But what is the chance of that happening and it would probably waste a bunch of money that Michael could use for something else.
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