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Old 12-09-2021, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by USC_COWBOY View Post
I'm trying, I contacted the actual court personnel where the case was heard and requested on-line a copy of the case, they responded "no problem" and sent me an email with my request embedded in it and they instructed me to click on their link to confirm my request. That was 10 days ago or so and nothing yet, just the sound of crickets.

I have stated before that our family was in possession of the Cobra in July of 1963, where it was before, I don't know, but there was never another person connected to the Cobra after that date except for our family. Something happened at that period of time, I contend that our family bought the Cobra at that point and owned it until we lost contact with it.

Ned is reluctant to consider the Cunningham ownership, even though it is common to just sell with a bill of sale for a race car not to ever be driven upon the public streets, or even to have a registration. The Abidin documents presented so far are also non-conclusive as to the ownership, and even what has been shown here is weird as to the type of documents, and the apparent monkeying around with them, missing watermarks, scraps of torn paper, court docs that have Al Abidin as being killed several months before Paul was killed in the car.

Step back and view the total scene, the principal characters in this merry-go-round ownership is convoluted to say the least, and along the way certain people have done illegal things, presented false misleading documentation, and to top off the sundae, the so-called cherry on top, we have a superior court that appears to be incompetent.

The official SAAC history should be reconsidered and rewritten to expose the mess, no one should be able to claim and use the Cunningham Cobra for their personal gain, SAAC owes all of us this transparency. Even though our family may never be able to assert our ownership no on else should be able to do so either.
So nobody else should be able to assert ownership of the car? Well it seems someone has asserted ownership of the car. Perhaps you don't think it is correct, ethical or logical that they have the title to the car, but according to the legal system in the state of California, they are the "legal" title holders.

And what are Ned and SAAC supposed to do about that? If Ned and SAAC were to contradict the results of the Hasselrig court case without any real evidence to back that up, don't you think that Hasselrig and Wesselink are going to sue Ned and SAAC? I would think so. Ned and SAAC would probably prefer that someone else, like yourself provides some real evidence to back up your claim. If someone goes to court over this, it would most likely have to be you. Unless you find some real evidence or win a court battle against Hasselrig and Wesselink, I don't see Ned or SAAC wanting to risk being sued.
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