Originally Posted by Alfa02
I can't believe it's only been 3-days since Chupee started this post, and all along he had already brought a Vette I hope you and your Vette live long, and an Award winner at that !!, you must be so proud of someone else's work Writing a check is pretty tough work by itself. Now back to important things like Cobras.
Wow, Alfa man has decided in his distorted little mind I can only have 1 car at a time, and that I can not enjoy anything that I didn't toil over myself!
Hmmmm. So Mr. Alfa feels I should have rebuilt the Vette and of course my house and probably done my own dental work if I was up to his level of worthiness!
In case you just arrived to the civilized world my friend, the rules are as follows:
When I bust my ass through hard work to gather units of pleasure known as currency, I can spend those anyway I choose.
Your post makes you appear like a jealous 14 years old! (I'm being kind) Look in the mirror sir and try and raise your bar of respect for other adults and hard-working business owners.
In spite of your petty post, I will say I just returned from an awesome afternoon at the SUPERFORANCE showroom in Irvine! Had a great visit and learned a lot about the brand.