I just received this email from Paul Shearer of COM in regards to their Drivng Event in July. I believe this will probably apply to ALL Driving Events at Watkins Glen moving forward.
If you plan on attending any events with the Club Cranky gang and were just planning on coming up to visit (i.e. - without racing), please let us know so we can let those responsible know you're coming. Please don't drive 5 hours and be turned away at the gate!!!!!
COM Watkins Glen Event – Important Notice
Watkins Glen has put in place new security requirement for non-driving participants at our July 3rd and 4th event. You must identify in advance all guests and family members that will be entering the track.
There is a form on the website
http://www.comscc.com/store/guestreg.html where you can list these names. If there is any doubt about someone’s attendance, list them anyway. Please do this immediately to avoid any problems at the entrance gate.
The entire text of Watkins Glen’s new policy follows.
June 6, 2002
Mr. Rob Goldfarb
COM Sports Car Club
153 Bay Road
Duxbury MA 02332
Dear Rob
I’m writing to let you know about a new policy that our security department has found necessary to put in place. This policy involves access to the facility for guests of your participants.
Over the past few years, we have struggled with the issue of having people show up at the gate during “closed” weekends or weekdays claiming to be the guests of individuals that are part of the on-track group. In many cases, this may be true, but in some, it may not be. In many cases, we find that these folks were invited to the track by participants during evening social events. The participants that issue the invitations have no real knowledge of the person’s character or intentions at the track and the next day when the guest arrives, they don’t quite remember issuing the invitation and don’t feel responsible for their guest’s behavior at the track.
Due to liability issues, rental dates such as yours need to be “closed” to the general public. I’m sure you will agree that it is in everyone’s best interest that the general public not be allowed in under your insurance and perhaps even more importantly, for reasons of general security, that we both understand what purpose a visitor truly has at the track before we allow them admittance to the facility.
With this in mind, we’ve established a policy for admittance of guests of rental organizations. Please see the attached sheet. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to give me a call.
Marianne Shoemaker
Director of Admissions.
Watkins Glen International
In regards to ALL events where the track is "RENTED' by an individual organization such as COM or PDA:
Rental Program Guest Admittance Policy
During non-spectator events, the track is closed to the general public. In order for non-participants to be admitted to the facility, a list of guest’s names must be provided to the Gate #2 security staff on a list on the morning of the first day of the event.
Here are a few guidelines:
The list must be provided by the rental contact on record; either the person that signed the contract or the on-site event manager as previously established. Program participants may not add guests to the list on their own.
Please alphabetize the list – to help us more quickly server your guests.
Guests will need to provide a form of photo identification before being admitted.
Guests at the facility must proceed to the paddock/garage area and they must remain with the group. They are not free to explore the facility on their own.
The group bears responsibility for the conduct of their guests while on property. (Damages will be invoiced – sever incidents with guests may cause the sponsoring organization to lose renewal rights for a future rental date).
People arriving as “guests” that are not on the list will be held at the gate until our security personnel can find the organizations contact on record, until the contact on record finds the person that invited them, and until that person arrives at the gate to escort them in.
Please be very sure to warn your participants that all guests must be on a list prior to the beginning of the event and this it is not a good idea to invite local folks that they’ve only just met. A delay at the gate will only serve to embarrass the guest, and make both the track and the organization represented by the participant look disorganized and unfriendly.
This policy is in effect immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.