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Steering wheel Identification
Greetings. I know this is an old thread. Hopefully it will trigger input from some of the original posters and new alike. I'm wondering what your take is on this wheel I have. I've spoken to numerous people about it and gotten mixed responses. Some believe its is what they call a "Gen 1 Branda" repro and some think it may be an original 65 wheel. The bend on the spokes looks like an original, as all the repros I've seen start bending after the spoke hole on the outer end of the spoke. The bend on the wheel I have starts before the spoke hole ends and is a much more gradual bend. Also the angle toward the center of the wheel is closer to the center and is also more gradual than the repros.
Other things to note about this wheel -
- No visible metal on outside edge, however the wheel is extremely worn and the metal has started peeking through.
- No markings or stampings anywhere on the wheel.
I'd value any input. Thank you.
Last edited by scottyb332; 01-26-2022 at 09:49 AM..
Reason: adding info