Hey Tony, thanks for the follow up. I haven't given up, but unfortunately, not much progress.
As it sits today, "composite vehicles are not, and are never eligible for classic plates, even after the chassis is 20 years old." In CT, 20 years is the threshold for vehicles to receive classic plates, and therefore the assessments are capped at $500.
My understanding is the proposed bill died with the transportation committee, despite my (and others) emails and reaching out. Not sure if it was even reviewed or discussed.
I did ping the senator who proposed the bill a few times last year, but didn't get any further responses. I recently engaged the Middletown state rep, and although he's been responsive, not sure where it will go. I think the state senators and reps may engage more this year, since it's an election year for many, so maybe we can get another bill or ruling change going.
I did meet with the CT car council several times, who have been helpful. As I mentioned above, they expressed concern on how the proposed bill was drafted by the senator, so they are taking the lead to engage DMV. They are planning to reach out to DMV to discuss how composite vehicles are registered, so hopefully that happens early this year.
Prior to sitting with the council, I did reach out to DMV directly again last year, received one response, but nothing since then.
I don't see there being any progress at the town assessor level, so likely hit or miss on the amount of financial abuse you will receive, depending on the CT town people live in. I did see in Middletown, CT another cobra owner being assessed at an astronomical amount. Looks like he got a 'reduction' on his 1998 cobra when he went to appeals. Looking at the meeting minutes, appears there has been a change in the board members, however the assessors remain the same. Therefore, you would continue to rely on the appeals process for any reduction.
I think it's going to take some loud voices for a change at DMV. As mentioned, the CT car council is involved. I think we need the voice of the small businesses (ERA, Vintage, etc) in CT who could be harmed (loss of business) by DMV's current position.
I certainly would not be purchasing a kit today knowing that it will be assessed at $45K+, and therefore I would be paying $1500+ in annual property tax (with no end in sight) for a hobby car that I drive a few days a month, a few months a year. Not sure how others feel, but not worth the annual premium for a 'composite vehicle' that I built in my garage.
Originally Posted by twobjshelbys
I noticed your signature update and came here to see resolution. You now say "taxed out of Connecticut". Does that mean you gave up???