Originally Posted by twobjshelbys
There's two things about Cobras you need to understand. It's best that you understand these BEFORE you write the check.
1. A new Cobra needs a "sorting out" period. They are hand built cars so unlike the Ford from the dealer's lot there are lots of "adjustments" needed. The power train is especially so. No two will be the same and they will require some adjustment.
It is unfortunate that the HTOB requires attention. Mine did, twice, so I went to a system that if it does need attention is a lot easier to service.
2. A sorted out Cobra will still require tinkering. Always and forever. Cobras are a tinkerer's dream (or nightmare). If you want a car that you park in the garage, get in on Saturday morning, return to the garage Saturday afternoon and can ignore until next Saturday, you need to get a Corvette. With a Cobra, Saturday is for driving, Sunday is for tinkering.
Be patient, work through the rough spots and the car will reward you.
Yeah I get it, I actually expected it to a degree knowing how their built and what they are. I was expecting misalignment, trunk and hood needing adjusting, a rivet missing here etc but paint and a slipping clutch. I guess it could be worse. I let my frustrations get to me earlier.