I did Bulldog, with a heavy heart. But I sold to very good friend in our Core Group, he lives 10miles from me, so I see it often. His Collection has some fantastic cars in it, so it went to great home. I was Cobraless for 6-months, worse 6months of my life

But now I'm back with a Pacific Roadster (Salem Ore.) wide body 347DartMotor (550HP) 5-speed, 3700 miles, the gentleman I brought from was cost no object build, it's as nice as the Green 427 car. Good to see your still around, Brent & I are pulling to Boulder Colo. (Shelby American Collection) in Sep 2,3,4 to hang with those boys, we both have Silver with gray Stripe Cobra (Twins) Call me or I'll call you Cheers TommyRot