Originally Posted by jbmatth
Thank you sir, it has been fun playing with errr working on this thing again.
I sure did, the 351w from clutch to intake with all accessories was 559 lbs, the Godzilla dressed the same way was 618.8 lbs, both with no fluids other than residuals after draining. The new intake will likely weigh more than the old so say 70 lbs total for the engine side. The TKX is 40 lbs more than the T-5 so a total of 110 lbs more there. I don't think with the boost in power it'll be a big deal though.
That's waaaaay impressive JB.
When you think about it, today we can produce boatloads of power compared to the cars back in the day and it is delivered in a well mannered, reliable engine package. Your car will be very enjoyable to drive and reliable to boot.
Killer job and great pick in your engine selection..