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Originally Posted by 1795
Lot's of good work. If your Shell Valley windshield falls through, I have the brand new Superformance windshield and frame that came with my FIA. Not sure if it would fit your body or not. I have kept it boxed up for just in case I ever sold my race car and someone wants the windshield. at this point, I should probably just sell it and get it back into action. I am never going to re-install it.
Hey there,
Thanks Jim,
I will PM you about that. I am not sure about fitment but I am not sure about much to be honest
I still don't know who made this body so I guess any good quality assembly is an option.
I am going to try and start answering my shifter and transmission mount questions tonight.....oh boy!
Yes, I know,....... but it's mine you see.....
Perhaps he was always a shyster, but we just chose to over look it for awhile.
You build what you like and I will build what I's all good
You know that guy,
The one in the neighborhood who likes to hang around the garage while you are working and talk about back when he had that killer 1977 Chevy Mustang