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Clutch engagement
I’m having some trouble with my clutch / hydraulic throw out bearing
With the car on jack stands, is it normal for rear wheels to spin with the trans in 1st gear (or any gear) with the clutch fully depressed?
After about 1000 miles on a new clutch, I couldn’t get the car into gear while the engine was running; problem developed fairly quickly. 3 drives ago, trans reluctantly went into gear after cold start but no problem getting gears after the first struggle to get in gear. Got only slightly progressively worse until it wouldn’t go in gear at all. I figured that the new clutch needed adjustment but adjusting the master cylinder push rod did not help. I bled the system several different solo ways but the old fashioned two person technique worked best.
The car goes into gear now after bleeding but the tires spin when trans is in gear and clutch fully depressed. Is this normal?