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Old 06-24-2022, 07:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Robertk View Post
Thank you... I am getting a bit educated with all this, the guy who did the drievtrain did to a SCT tuner which he emailed me.

Frankly I thought this was a simple dial in on the tune with a dyno or drive sessions like I did with my Harley.

I will be talking with the drivetrain installer this morning (unfortunately he is in Maryland) to get a bit more information

Apparently the SCT tuner was installed prior to the speed sensor and after the speed sensor was added that's when the idle went up and he couldn't remove the tuner.

Again I'm getting a bit more educated with this, thanks again.
I'm not sure you understand how the SCT tuner works.

In the "old days" tuners would literally swap a "chip" into the ECU. Those days are ancient history.

The SCT Tuner (and others) are basically a software program loader. You can't email a SCT tuner. It's a handheld unit that plugs into your OBDII port. What he emailed you was the tune file that is loaded via USB into the SCT unit. Then the SCT is connected to the car and the car's "firmware tables" are updated. The SCT is set up to retain a copy of the original "tune" and VIN and the tuner becomes "married" to that vehicle (to prevent mass distribution of tunes, they are individually created and considered intellectual property so you can't just use the tuner to set up dozens of cars).
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