The important things to remember about the OEM full mark on the dipstick and in no particular order are the following;
- It is only an indicator of how close to the rotating assembly the manufacturer (of the engine) wanted the oil level to get,
- The presence of the mark and the oil level associated with that mark does not mean you can not benefit from a quality oil scraper and windage tray,
- On OEM pans it is also an indicator of how full or short of full the pan is,
- On aftermarket pans it should be referenced only as an indicator of how close to the crank the oil level is vs what the factory thinks it should be,
- On aftermarket pans you can easily remark the dipstick but in so doing you would be defeating the original purpose — which is to mark the upper limit of how close to the crank the engine manufacturer wanted the oil level to get.
Not rocket science but none the less still important. You should decide what is important to you for your build and your engine.