Thread: Site is Back Up
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Old 08-11-2022, 01:05 PM
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Here's what I don't get. This site is either a business for the owner or a labor of love. Clearly it's not the latter anymore, since he apparently never checks in on his own site anymore, being distracted by polished vans and steampunk vehicles (whatever that is). That leaves the only other possibility - that it's a business.
Businesses are designed to make money for the owner. That said, there are two possibilities - it's either making money or it's not. If it IS making money, why would the owner essentially abandon it, lose complete interest in it and leave it adrift with apparently no one at the helm (other than Jamo apparently moderating - is he still?)? If it's NOT making money, there were a few guys who offered to take it off his hands and purchase it. Why wouldn't he take advantage of that? The weird thing is that Brent (the owner) seems to have chosen "None Of The Above".

I don't get it.

This was once such a busy, vibrant and active site. It seems now to be a mere shell of what it once was. Don't get me wrong, it's still a good place, but imagine what it would be once again if the owner took even a half interest in it. He seems unwilling to do so, yet he won't sell it to guys who would like to do just that. Again, I just don't get it.

I've said enough, I apologize (truly) if this offends anyone or if I stepped on anyone's toes. That was not my intent at all. I'm just confused by this rudderless ship drifting at sea.

Last edited by 767Jockey; 08-11-2022 at 01:07 PM..
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