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Engine shops that predominately sell complete engines and engine shops that sell machining services and parts have different business models.
The turnkey engine shop can have his business cycle not just interrupted but actualy completely stopped by a specific part shortage or lack of availability. The shop that sells machining services and parts can still contiinue with the majority of its business if a part becomes unavailable. The complete engine shop can not ship and their customer can not use a partially complete engine.
The current supply chain delay issues and just the broad based parts availability across all industries is haveing a devastating effect on the business cycle and in an increasingly troubling way a terminal effect on a growing number of businesses.
Craft Engines had a very good line of finished engine product offerings but were being held hostage by the supply chain vagaries when it came to component availability for their completed engine product offerings. When your business model is rooted in either the services side or in the completed turnkey side of the business supply chain challenges have very different outcomes – neither is good, one is fatal.
Sad to see a quality shop like Craft have to close its doors.
Help them do what they would have done if they had known what they could do.