Originally Posted by Michael C Henry
I know on the traditional forward-facing scoop there is more air coming out than going inn due to the scoop being so far rearward that at speed, air has boiled up over the hood and the scoop and the air under the hood is stacked up to the point where some is coming out the scoop. I can see where there would be a bunch coming out.
These two threads from the FFR community show that standard Cobra hood scoops do work. Would Shelby's team steer us wrong? LOL
https://www.ffcars.com/threads/defin...-video.217438/ (Note: video not available, but thread comments from when it was available clearly indicate airflow goes into the hood scoop at speed, not out)
https://www.ffcars.com/threads/mythb...y-work.217227/ (Toilet paper test / photos).