Originally Posted by cobragene
... remove the diaphragm check ball and take a very small screwdriver and tap it on the ball seat to make a slot so more air can flow, does that make sense to you?
Originally Posted by cobragene
I also read you can drill out the passage to the diaphragm, but I couldn’t see a way to do that.
No. But what I would do is remove the vacuum diaphragm entirely and while it's off blow compressed air through the signal taps so you know they're nice and clear -- maybe even run a thin wire through them. Then confirm your linkage is not bent or jammed and then replace your diaphragm with the Quick Fuel Adjustable Vacuum Secondary. I know it works and it's really easy to adjust. $38 at Amazon:
EDIT -- And you do not need to remove the carb to install it. Just watch the circlip and the little gasket and don't drop them down in the engine somewhere.