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Old 11-26-2022, 07:43 AM
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1985 CCX 1985 CCX is offline
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Originally Posted by HTM101 View Post
I've owned HTM101 since new. It's a fiberglass car that was built with the full alloy interior; inner fenders, firewall, floor, rear wall and trunk. The car is now 28 years old. One day it will be for sale, as maybe will yours.

When a prospective buyer is evaluating the purchase of an Arizona Hi-Tech car, will he be more drawn to a fiber-lloy car, or a full alloy car?
For starters I like the input, in the end it will all work out and this type of input is why I post. Get other ideas and listen to others reasoning.....
Appreciate the kind thoughts as to my non-injured status as its a lucky thing and I appreciate the big guy not wanting me yet.

To date this is why I have chosen this direction, as all directions are; these could change. Cost Cost Cost

Plan A: As it stands (Falloy) is going to put me out of pocket 1500-2000k if executed well.
Plan B: All alloy will put me closer to $22,000+ cash out of pocket! Big delta and the kids like food besides Mac-n-Cheese

The reasoning behind alloy is that it replaces the wrecked body with that of something that can more easily be repaired in the future. Also, is the glass going to fit right if not of HiTech lineage? Recently found a glass rear actually, HiTech, however at similar cost is that the way to roll?
Overall yes, of course there is a certain perfection to all alloy however its also a replica. Will the end value be that much more? Some alloy cars are still in the sub 150k sell and one never knows. I would also argue a well executed car in glass, alloy or Falloy still gets premium dollars.

As I also own an alloy car there will be a certain level of peace knowing that every small rock that flies up at the body while driving is not going to dent the car as its going to see miles. Glass is not a bad thing and it does serve as a nice barrier for strength. Will a Falloy car with no dents carry the value versus a used slightly dented car?

If life treats me as it has (lucky so far) the car will end up in the hands of my son, hoping in more than a few years, then he can enjoy a relatively safe well done car with the memory of his old man while enjoying. Then I guess value is moog and not of concern....

Its a how far to take it scenario. Hmmm

Last edited by 1985 CCX; 11-27-2022 at 10:37 AM..
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