Not Ranked
Agent 004
Obviously, someone has gone to great lengths to "originate" this unit. It seems to be "real", but as in any other endeavor, where great value is at stake (?), it's the fine details that will trip up the replicas from the originals. Not being as anal about details as some of the other members around here, such as your new found friend Evan, and especially the missing in action Steve Sunshine, I will make a stab at it. The most telling mistake is the placement of the air venting "rivits". I will not divulge the proper placement and size details, for obvious reasons, but will nod my head yeah or nea if you can discribe them to me. Of course, that opens up the discussion of the meaning of real, and what constitutes sex, and the definition of yes/no and.......anyway,
I await your reply
Hat Rivet Authenticator (??)