Originally Posted by mrmustang
care to post the link to the "other forum" where this discussion appears to have brought you here
Bueller, Bueller, Bueller
Bill S.
I haven't done research in any other forum and (without looking through all of my posts) I don't believe I ever wrote that. I wrote that much of what I have learned from this river of information has led me down other tributaries of knowledge. For all of the help that I have received, my sincerest thanks.
As to my motives...all I asked when I came aboard was whether the 289s are considered more "historically significant than the 427s, whether raced cars were considered far more valuable and how the members felt about wide hip Cobras being more desirable than narrow hip Cobras. These things are being alleged by the adverse party.
My previous foray into this group was to ask whether anyone has heard of a Cobra being available to rent.