This reminds me about Safety Eq. in racing, years ago, my buddy that sells this stuff, asked me what are you worth???? Not just to family & Friends, but your body?? Can't continue to race if you're broken. I've always kept that in the back of my mind, better to have it, and not need it, well you know the rest
10years ago, in a vintage race a buddy (Even though he drove a 356 Porsche) has a fuel line come off, caught the back of the car on fire, the turn workers had used their fire bottles, and it was still burning, 3-of us, jumped out of our cars, put out what was still on fire, the driver looked at us, and said you just saved my car !!! We said, you would have done the same
We got close enough to get a few burns on our fire suits. Greg, (The Porsche driver) brought us all new suits, as he said, MUCH CHEAPER than building a another 356!!! Safety first Boys, Cheers Tom.