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"The Dunning-Kruger effect occurs when a person's lack of knowledge and skills in a certain area cause them to overestimate their own competence."
It's hard to know when a person is experiencing the Dunning-Kruger Effect until after they have exceeded their capability often with tragic consequences. And its hard to convince people whose self confidence has outrun their skill and judgement that they are a hazard to both themselves and others. But many of us older guys have seen it happen often enough to be wary when people brag about adventurous driving experiences on public streets. . . I personally lost a young pilot under my command to this very phenomenon and I'd hate to see it happen to someone else. So for those who feel like some of us older guys are just funless buzz-killers, know that we are far more concerned about your safety and the safety of those around you than we are with inflating your ego. . . . Adventurous driving is fun and I've done a lot of it . . . at the track. I strongly urge you to keep it there.
Cheetah tribute completed 2021 (
Previously owned EM Cobra
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor
Last edited by Tommy; 03-09-2023 at 08:55 AM..
Reason: typo