Welcome libref to our site, and good luck with your Cobra project
In regard to any contact with Lynn (Mr.Park) there may be little chance, to have access to his Email and/or phone. I say this not because he is some sort of famous person, which he is in our world (In realty he's one of nicest people you would ever meet) The time he would have to spend dealing with phone calls, text, and Email, he would have no time left to have a life, or drive his Cobras
The first few years was just asking a question, and when he had time, he would get back to me (Email) and this is after going through a screening (At least I found out later
) with mutual Cobra friends (In respect to who I am) I still don't bother him, unless I have a reason to call, and then I can tell if we have time to just shoot the Brezee. I'm honored that he thinks of me as a friend, and I respect his privacy. The best I can do, is shoot me a PM, and we can talk, I could then relay a message to him. Cheers Tom.