Originally Posted by cobragene
You really know how to shut a person and a conversation down don’t you
No one is forcing you to do things the right way. This is your car, after all, and by definition, because it is yours, and you pay all the bills, you get to make all the calls. That means whatever you decide is automatically going to be right,
for you, until it doesn't work or fails — again.
That does not mean it will be right for everyone else. Some members of the everyone else contingent may actually embrace the same logic that you do and follow your lead. Like you, their car and their call — which makes it right for them also.
For the rest of us who want to embrace the 'generally accepted' right way of fixing a rear main
oil seal failure, your approach falls more than a little short of the mark. But, of course, for you, that is not an issue because you have already decided it is not.
The rest of us, well — not so much ...